Kazumasa Nomura

Email address: knomura@pop11.odn.ne.jp
Last Updated: Mar 20, 2024.        Japanese

About me
A Japanese Mathematician.
Research field: Algebra, Algebraic Combinatorics.
Current research: Leonard Pair, Tridiagonal Pair.
My profile (Google Scholar)

What's new (last updated: Sept 21, 2022)
A paper "Idempotent systems and character algebras" has been published in Journal of Algebra: Preprint (PDF)
A tutorial paper "Totally bipartite tridiagonal pairs" has benn published: Article
Added a link to my profile (Google Scholar).
My thesis "The intersection diagrams of graphs (1987)" is uploaded: Thesis (PDF)
A paper about Idempotent systems is finished: Preprint (PDF)
A paper about Leonard pairs, spin models, and distance-regular graphs is finished: Preprint (PDF)
A paper about self-dual Leonard pairs is finished: Preprint (PDF)
A tutorial paper about totally bipartite tridiagonal pairs is finished: Preprint (PDF)
Seminor talk about totally bipartite tridiagonal pairs: Slides (PDF)
Rank List is uploaded.
Finished a paper concerning Double affine Hecke algebra (DAHA) and Leonard pairs of q-Racah type: Preprint(PDF)
Added open access articles in the list of publications.
Completed the classification of Leonard pairs, consisting of irreducible tridiagonal matrices with all diagonal entries 0. Preprint (PDF)
Terwilliger's unpublished 1987 paper that deals with the Askey-Wilson algebra: Preprint(PDF)
Terwilliger's talk at Shanghai conference (2012): Slides (PDF)
A tutorial paper for Krawtchouk polynomials, the Lie algebra sl(2), and Leonard pairs. Preprint(PDF)
Terwilliger's talk at Banff conference (2011): Slides (PDF)
Terwilliger's talk on the classification of sharp tridiagonal pairs: Slides (PDF)
List of publications   (last updated: Mar 20, 2024)
Top Authors in Algebra by Microsoft Academic
Rank List (PDF) (my face picture is wrong)
Collaborative Colleague
Paul Terwilliger
Eiichi Bannai   Etsuko Bannai   Ada Chan Brian Curtin
Chris Godsil Tatsuro Ito François Jaeger Vaughan Jones
Douglas Leonard,   Makoto Matsumoto Akihiro Munemasa
Hiroshi Suzuki
Preprint servers
Front for the arXiv

Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra
Jounal of Algebraic Combinatorics
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B
Vladimir Horowitz Sviatoslav Richter Michelangeli Glenn Gould
J.S.Bach Mozart Beethoven Schubert Schumann
Chopin Liszt Brahms Scriabin Tchaikovsky